is argued that students should experience overseas life to learn the language
and culture of the host country. Personally, I would completely agree with this
for the following reasons.
begin with, living in a foreign nation is always advantageous to experience a
different culture even for a short period of time. One day abroad is one day
learnt. Hence, students living abroad usually have better and more thorough
understanding of the outside world than those students who do not have these
experiences; they also tend to have more open minds to differences in culture
and so become more tolerant to other groups of people. Compared to those who
learn the cultural values of foreign countries from books and media, students
who have overseas living experience can have a broader perspective of the world
we live in.
having first-hand exposure to the local language is the best way to learn it.
The truth is, no matter how much students excel in foreign language courses,
they do not usually master the language completely. For example, there are
never enough English native speakers in schools to provide a real English
speaking community, which may result in students knowing English very well in
terms of grammar or reading, but speaking and dialogue comprehension is a big
obstacle for them. In contrast, living in the foreign environment gradually
improves the learner’s accent in speaking and allows them to learn
collocations that native speakers normally use in daily conversations.
conclusion, I firmly hold the view that living in another country for education
purposes is advantageous both culture-wise and language-wise.